Confronting Silence: The Moral Imperative in the Face of Gaza’s Healthcare Crisis
In the solemn sanctum of medical ethics, the Hippocratic oath stands as a beacon of moral responsibility, guiding healthcare professionals towards the sacred mandate to "Do No Harm.& Yet, in the shadow of Gaza’s healthcare system crumbling under relentless assault by Israel, our collective silence resonates with a deafening hypocrisy that stains the conscience of […]
Read MoreTechnology In Medicine : Good Or Bad? Opinion Piece
The importance of technology as a driver for social, economic, and educational advancement has been well documented in recent years. Technology has become integrated into the daily activities of millions of people throughout the world’s most industrialized nations. The information and communication revolution offers new and effective means of exchanging science knowledge and advancing education […]
Read MoreExtrachromosomal DNA (EcDNA); Origin, Role In Cancer Progression And Implications For Early Detection
A recent article published by Heliyon on CellPress provides an overview of the source, structure, and function of ecDNA, while compiling recent advancements in ecDNA in the field of cancers. To ensure a comprehensive and systematic approach, the review will follow the guidelines of Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA), involving a […]
Read MoreNasal Delivery As A Strategy For The Prevention And Treatment Of COVID-19
A recent study published on Tandfonline by Expert Opinions On Drug Delivery gives a comprehensive overview of the different approaches involving nasal delivery that have led to products on the market or under clinical evaluation, highlighting the peculiarities of the nose as application and absorption site and pointing at key aspects of nasal drug delivery. […]
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