During the submission process, authors must confirm that their submission complies with all of the listed items. Submissions that fail to meet these guidelines may be sent back to the authors.

The submission is original and has not been published before, nor is it currently under consideration by another journal (any exceptions are explained in the Comments to the Editor).

  • The submission file is in OpenOffice, Microsoft Word, or RTF document file format.
    The text is single-spaced; uses a 12-point font; employs italics, rather than underlining (except with URL addresses); and all illustrations, figures, and tables are placed within the text at the appropriate points, rather than at the end.
    Figures should be uploaded separately and ensure high resolution 300 DPI to ensure good results.
    Letter of Undertaking signed by all authors which is available in pdf format. Please scan it and upload it.
    Ethics Committee/Institution Review Committee approval which is a necessary with every paper for further processing.
    Processing charges are arranged for the manuscript. Upload the online receipt.

In your Covering Letter or a separate file, you can recommend two to three potential reviewers to expedite the review process. Please upload this as a supplementary file on the system. It’s important to suggest only those individuals as reviewers who have expertise in this field. The Editorial Committee will review their comments before making any final decisions. Be sure to provide their names and email addresses, and remember to include the reference number of your submission.

Peer Review: Our reviewer database includes experts from various countries, and while we typically employ an Open Peer Review system, there are instances where reviewers may find it challenging to evaluate a manuscript due to unfamiliarity with the specific medical education, health services systems, and local regulatory requirements of the country of origin. Therefore, it is crucial for at least one reviewer to be from the manuscript’s country of origin. Authors submitting to J-STEAM are encouraged to recommend two to three qualified reviewers for their study. The Editorial Team may choose one of these suggested reviewers to collaborate with others from the journal’s database. It is important to suggest reviewers who are knowledgeable in the relevant field and are willing to conduct the review. The Editorial Committee will scrutinize their feedback before making any final decisions. Please provide the names and email addresses of the suggested reviewers and include the reference number of your submission.

While submitting manuscripts, please carefully follow the instructions given below:-

  1. Please submit your manuscript through our online editorial system atjsteam.org/. The submission should be in a single file, beginning with the manuscript’s title and ending with the references, including tables. The email address of each author must be provided during the submission process. All manuscripts submitted should be solely for the consideration of the Journal of Science, Technology, Education, Art and Medicine . In your covering letter, please highlight the contribution of your study to current literature and its potential impact.
  2. Plagiarism Check: We utilize Endnote software to screen manuscripts for plagiarism. Authors involved in plagiarism or publication misconduct risk being blacklisted.
  3. Tables should not be submitted as photographs. Provide a brief heading for each column and specify statistical measures, such as standard deviation and standard error of the mean. Ensure that every figure and table is referenced in the text.
  4. Figures must be submitted in JPEG format with a minimum resolution of 300 dpi as a separate file (uploaded as a supplementary file).
  5. We only accept manuscripts or data that are original and have not been published or submitted for publication elsewhere. Re-analysis of previously published data may be considered.
  6. If a manuscript was previously submitted to another journal and rejected, authors should provide detailed reasons for the rejection to facilitate proper evaluation.
  7. Manuscripts with multiple authors must include signatures from all authors, along with a breakdown of each author’s contributions. All authors must meet the ICMJE authorship criteria. The journal reserves the right to reject manuscripts suspected of gift authorship. Single-center studies are limited to a maximum of four authors. For KAP Studies, routine surveys, and similar manuscripts, the maximum number of authors is also four. Manuscripts exceeding this limit will not be processed and will be rejected.
  8. Patient consent must be obtained for participation in studies.
  9. All studies require approval from the relevant Ethics Committee/Institutional Review Boards of the respective institutions, and the approval letter must be submitted with the manuscript.
  10. Both authors and reviewers are required to disclose any conflicts of interest they may have.
  11. The study’s funding source must be explicitly stated. Authors found guilty of scientific misconduct risk being blacklisted and prohibited from future submissions.
  12. The journal welcomes various types of submissions, including Guest Editorials on topical subjects, Original Articles, Review Articles, Case Reports, Clinical Updates, Short Communications, Book Reviews, Case Studies, Clinical Notes, CME, Obituaries, and Letters to the Editor. However, Knowledge, Attitude, Practice (KAP) studies, routine surveys, and cross-sectional studies are not accepted. Only a select number of animal studies will be considered. Authors are encouraged to recommend two potential reviewers during submission, whom the editor may contact if needed.
  13. Authors should indicate the preferred placement of figures or tables within the manuscript.
  14. Manuscripts except short communications & Guest Editorials should contain the following sections:

a) Title Page:

Manuscripts should include a comprehensive title, all authors’ names with their highest qualifications, their affiliated department or institution, contact details including telephone numbers, cell phones, email, fax number, a brief running title of the article, funding source, number of figures and tables, total word count, and total number of pages.

b) Conflict of Interest:

Authors must disclose any financial and personal relationships that could potentially bias their work at the time of submission. This declaration should be made on the title page, with additional information provided in a covering letter accompanying the manuscript.

Authorship Requirements: Authors of studies funded by organizations with a vested interest in the results must affirm that they had complete access to all study data and take full responsibility for the data’s integrity and the accuracy of the analysis. This declaration must accompany the manuscript submission.

c) Abstract:

Original articles should be accompanied by a structured abstract of up to 250 words, outlining the study’s objective, methodology, results, and conclusions. The abstract should reflect the article’s content accurately, and single-digit figures should be spelled out.

d) Keywords:

Provide up to five keywords below the abstract to aid in indexing the article. These should be based on the Medical Subject Headings (MeSH) from Index Medicus, or current terms if MeSH terms are not available.

e) Case Report/Review Article:

These should begin with a summary. Review manuscripts must include a section on the methods used for data location, selection, extraction, and synthesis, including databases searched and the time frame. This should also be summarized in the abstract.

f) Introduction:

Summarize the study’s purpose and rationale without extensively reviewing the subject or including data or conclusions.

g) Methodology:

Describe the methods, apparatus (including manufacturer’s name and address), and procedures in detail. For drugs, include the generic name, dose, and administration route. Patient demographics (age, sex, mean age ± standard deviation) and statistical methods should be clearly stated. Ethics Committee/Institutional Review Board approval, including the approval number and date, must be included.

h) Results:

Present results in text, tables, and illustrations, avoiding repetition in the text. Sub-headings may be used for clarity in longer articles. Extra materials can be included in an appendix.

i) Discussion:

Focus on the findings, comparing them with other relevant studies. Highlight new and important aspects and the derived conclusions. Discuss whether the study hypothesis is confirmed, and its new contributions to medical literature and clinical significance.

j) References:

 References should be formatted in superscript. The maximum number of references allowed is 25 for Original Articles, 10 for Case Reports, and 40 for Review Articles. All references must be cited within the text. Authors are responsible for ensuring references to locally published studies through thorough literature searches. Editors and reviewers may not verify the accuracy of all reference citations, so authors are advised to cross-check references against original sources. References should follow the Vancouver style, as outlined in the “Recommendations for the Conduct, Reporting, Editing, and Publication of Scholarly Work in Medical Journals, Updated Dec. 2015,” available at http://icmje.org/recommendations/. For up to six authors, list all names; for seven or more, list the first six followed by “et al.” References should include the author’s name and initials, the full title of the article, the journal name (abbreviated), year of publication, volume, issue, and page range. Include the DOI number where available. For example:

Fahim A,Rehman S, Fayyaz F, Javed M, Alam MA, Rana S, et al.Identification of Preferred learning style of medical and dental students using VARK questionnaire. Biomed Res Int.2021; 29(5): 123-128. doi: 10.1155/2021/4355158

For book references, include the author’s name and initials, article title, book title, editors, publisher’s city, page range, and year of publication. For example:

Haroon TS. How to plan a scientific study. In: Murray R. How to write a Thesis. 42nd ed. Berkshire, England: Open University Press; 2006:1-13.

For multicenter studies or trials, cite the group or study name, title, results, journal name, volume, issue, pages, and year. For example:

TIMI Study Group. Comparison of invasive and conservative strategies after treatment with intravenous tissue plasminogen activator in acute myocardial infarction: Results of the TIMI Phase-II trial. N Engl J Med. 1989;320:618-627.

Newspaper articles should include the author’s name, article title, newspaper name, place of publication, date, and page numbers. For example:

Malik Mahmood A. Autonomous hospitals. “Pulse” International. Karachi, Pakistan. January 15-31, 2000:1-2.

Citations of personal communications and unpublished observations should be limited and included in brackets within the text, not in the reference list. Papers cited as “Under Publication” or “In Press” must have been accepted for publication, and the journal’s name should be provided.

15. Letter of Undertaking: All manuscripts should be submitted with an undertaking letter signed by every author. A scanned version of this letter must also be uploaded to our online editorial system.

16. Authorship:

  1. To be credited as an author, one must significantly contribute to the project’s concept, design, data collection, or data interpretation. This includes actively participating in drafting or critically revising the article for key intellectual content and giving final approval for publication. Moreover, an author must agree to be responsible for all aspects of the work, especially in addressing any accuracy or integrity issues. These four criteria must be met for authorship.
  2. Simply acquiring funding, gathering data, or overseeing a research team does not alone warrant authorship. Only individuals who meet these criteria should be listed as authors, and all who qualify must be included. There’s a limit of four tables or illustrations per submission; exceeding this may lead to rejection.
  3. Each author should be sufficiently involved in the work to publicly stand by their contribution.
  4. In multi-author studies, the specific contributions of each author should be clarified. For large-scale, multi-center projects, the group should identify members who will take direct responsibility for the manuscript. These individuals should satisfy the authorship criteria and complete any required disclosure forms for the journal. Group author manuscripts should clearly list all individual authors and the group name, with other contributors acknowledged separately.
  5. Changes to the author list, such as additions or deletions, are generally not allowed once the manuscript is submitted with a signed Letter of Undertaking.

17. Acknowledgment:

The acknowledgement section should recognize individuals who contributed to the work but do not qualify for authorship. This includes those who offered technical assistance, writing aid, or general departmental support, such as a department head. Additionally, it should acknowledge those who provided financial or material support. Contributors who made significant material contributions but are not eligible for authorship may be acknowledged under titles such as “clinical investigators,” “participating investigators,” “scientific advisors,” or as individuals who critically reviewed the study proposal or were involved in data collection.

18. Length of the manuscript:

  1. Original manuscripts should ideally be no longer than 3000 words, inclusive of the title page, tables, and references. Exceptionally, up to 3500 words may be considered.
  2. Review articles are limited to 4000 words.
  3. Frequently mentioned terms in the text should be abbreviated for brevity, provided it does not hinder the reader’s understanding (e.g., Acute Myocardial Infarction as AMI).
  4. A maximum of four tables and illustrations are permitted.
  5. Case Reports: These should be concise reports of cases, clinical experiences, drug trials, or adverse effects, not exceeding 1500 words, with a limit of ten references and either one table or two illustrations. They must offer new insights and follow a format of Title, Abstract, Introduction, Case Report, Discussion, and References. Author contributions should be specified, and literature reviews are not included.
  6. Letters: These should be no more than 350 words with 2 to 3 references.
  7. Additional charges may apply for manuscripts exceeding the specified lengths.


19. Start sentences or paragraphs with words, not numerals. For instance, instead of writing “7 patients were admitted,” use “Seven patients were admitted.” Write single-digit numbers in words, such as “nine” instead of “9.”

20. The submission should include a cover letter signed by all authors. This letter should confirm that all authors have read and approved the manuscript, fulfilled the previously stated requirements, and affirm the manuscript’s integrity. The letter should also provide the name, address, phone, cell phone, email, and fax number of the designated corresponding author. This author is responsible for communications with the editor and final approval of proofs. Communication with the editor should be limited to the corresponding author only.

21. Clinical Trials: For publication consideration, clinical trials must be registered in a public registry and accompanied by proof of registration. All Randomized Controlled Trials (RCTs) should adhere to the CONSORT statement guidelines. Trials that are not registered will not be eligible for publication.

22. Procedure:The “Journal of Science, Technology, Education, Art, and Medicine” operates as a peer-reviewed publication. Receipt of articles for publication is promptly acknowledged, but this does not guarantee acceptance. Manuscripts undergo an initial evaluation; those with significant shortcomings or lacking relevance to our readership are not processed further for external peer review. Authors will be notified via email within two weeks of submission if their manuscript is not moving forward. Each manuscript is reviewed by at least two independent reviewers in our open peer review system.The review process typically spans four to five months, although there are efforts to shorten this duration. Final decision-making authority resides with the Editor. Authors may request exclusion of certain reviewers due to potential conflicts of interest, typically of a professional nature, but may need to provide a rationale for such requests. While authors can suggest up to two potential reviewers, the Editor has the final say in reviewer selection. High-priority manuscripts may be expedited.Following reviewer feedback, and if approved, an acceptance letter is sent to the corresponding author. The publication date is set after the publication fees are received. The authors may be contacted for clarifications if necessary. An article is only rejected if similar feedback is obtained from at least two reviewers.

23. Proofread: Before publication, the final draft of the manuscript is forwarded to the corresponding author for proofreading to ensure accuracy. Any corrections should be communicated clearly and promptly to the Editor via email.

24. Article Processing Charges:

  1. Original Articles                                       500 USD
  2. Case Report / Brief communication     300 USD
  3. Review Article                                           800 USD

Payment mode: jsteam.org

J-STEAM publishes all its articles as open access, ensuring they are freely accessible online as soon as they are published. This open access model is supported by an article-processing charge (APC), which is necessary to cover various publishing services. These services include the provision of online resources for editors and authors, the production and hosting of articles, coordination with abstracting and indexing services, and customer support. The APC is required to be paid after the manuscript receives editorial approval and before it is published.

Waiver request: Those who cannot afford processing, publication charges can apply for waiver at the time of submission of paper (decision on case to case basis maximum discount available up to 50%).

25. Approval from the Ethics Committee: Every manuscript submitted to J-STEAM that involves human participants must include a certificate from the Institutional Review Board or Ethics Committee.

26. Informed Consent: Manuscripts that detail experimental research involving human subjects need to incorporate a declaration confirming that informed consent was secured from each participant or their guardian. This consent must follow the approval of the experimental protocol by a relevant local ethics committee overseeing human research.

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